I'm beginning to wonder...

Alright, so I have read previous threads about misspellings and poor grammar in Audiogon posts, and I have even joked about it myself in one thread a long time ago. In fact, while I was poking fun at a misspelled word in the thread, I misspelled one myself and was called out for it!
What I am beginning to wonder about is what percentage of Audiogon members speak (or write) english as a first language. Almost every day, there is a classified or a post that is nearly unreadable. The strange thing is that the post will be answered by several readers with no mention of the poor writing. It is so common, that I am wondering what pecentage of regular members are living in the USA. Does anyone have an idea?

Showing 3 responses by fpeel

Mt, you may have missed that this is a written forum and the discussions are in writing. Also, in case you're interested I have an old keyboard with at least one working SHIFT key. If you'd like it...

Seriously though, written communication is fast becoming a lost art. Gutter English has become the norm in speech and texting is killing off what's left of the rest.

So we're back to an old position: adapt or parish... ;-)
Douglas_schroeder, the misuse of "parish" was intentional. I was trying to be funny, hence the smiley. Oh, well, guess I'll just have to keep my day job...