I’m afraid my Audio Aero Capitole mk2 has died

I really love listening to CD’s via my Capitole, but now, the player has gone into a permanent state of ‘MUTE’.  I’ve tried turning it off and on, unplugging / replugging the player, but nothing helps.  A constant state of MUTE.  So, do I repair the player (in the past, I have used Peter Noerbaek at PBN Audio for repairs), or do I bury the player and purchase a new CDP / server?  Thoughts?


Showing 1 response by elliottbnewcombjr

Long Shot, you never know, you might get lucky:

What if a button that engages MUTE is stuck, on the remote or the unit.

You could take the batteries out of the remote to see if you get lucky. If a MUTE button exists on the unit, try taking the cover off, see what moves or doesn’t move.

I got lucky a few times, by taking remote controls apart, hosing the board/contacts, all moving parts with alcohol, cleaning all the traces/contacts with a small artist’s brush, blow dry with my compressor, working again.

Sometimes, the rubber buttons don't move right, gummed up with peanut butter or jelly.