"I'm a believer"

I’ve been around high end audio for a great number of years. I have had the opportunity to hear, at shows, at audiophile friends homes and at audio shops, a great number of high end speakers: old and new, from the low, to the ultra megabuck price ranges. I’ve heard very, very expensive speakers that didn’t sound so good to me, and then, I’ve heard vintage speakers or relatively affordable speakers that just knock my sock off. In all my personal experience in this great hobby of ours, IMHO, there is no other item in high end audio that fall under the "Rule of Diminishing Returns" like loudspeakers.


Showing 1 response by mijostyn


Good for you Mahgi. I agree, cables represent a very minor part of a system. They are either good cables or they are not. It is also easy to make your own cables of the highest performance and save thousands. 

There is a point of diminishing returns with loudspeakers and I put it in the 40-50 thousand dollar range. This does not include subwoofers. I know of no vintage loudspeaker (pre 1965) that can hold a candle to the best modern speakers. Upgrading loudspeakers will also generally not solve severe room problems although some types of speakers interact with the room to a lesser degree.