I love sad music

I'm talking about music that when you're feeling down will make you feel worse. I don't want uplifting or inspirational. Some of Chopin's more melancholic works can do it for me.  I don't listen to country, but George Jones singing "It's a good day for the roses" is about as sad a song as you will find. Leonard Cohen's "Alexandra leaving" is another sad song. I have everything Davis and Coltrane recorded, so I'm looking for recommendations for the most beautiful but depressing music you've ever heard. I want to hear a violin, my favorite instrument, that will bring tears to your eyes. I know this is a strange request but some of the best music comes from dark places. Thanks

Showing 2 responses by cd318

I went through many years of ignoring those sad songs thinking they tended to lower mood and metabolism.

However, during the lockdown I decided to build a playlist to keep those recreational walks and runs from getting too routine.

Surprisingly enough, they didn’t lower my mood. Quite often they had the opposite effect.

Here’s that list.

Sad Song Lou Reed
Alone Again (naturally) Diana KrallSend in the Clowns Frank SinatraBen Marti WebbBetcha By Golly Wow The Stylistics
Love is Strange (dub) Buddy Holly
Little Girl The Incredible String BandSenor Bob DylanHoney Bobby Goldsboro  On Days Like These Matt MonroYou Only Live Twice Nancy Sinatra
Once Upon a Time in America Ennio Morricone

If I want really dark, then there's nothing better than Joy Division.
Gloriously depressing.

"Oh, the wind, the wind is blowing
Through the graves the wind is blowing"

His star crossed relationship with Marianne Ihlen was tragically just so Leonard Cohen. It had to be.


’maria callas singing "o mio babbino caro." hers was a singularly sad-sounding voice.’

Yes. The ugly fat girl who eventually came good had a voice to last the ages.

With a life like hers there was simply never any need for any artificial acting or vocal dramatics.

’Casta Diva’ is off any emotional scale and about as final as final can ever be.