I like Steve Guttenberg.

I’ve known this guy’s name for years, but I only just started watching his You Tube stuff and I find it really entertaining. He’s a real quirky, NY, Woody Allen type who attempts to offer some sane, balanced advice, but aside from that, I just find the presentation fun to watch. He also broaches some common audio BS like "it’s all about the music" and stuff like that. Just take a look and have a good time.

I like the way his eyes dart upward and to his right as though he accessing that area of his brain where he stores his audio knowledge! 
Roxy54, Yes! Michael Fremer is pretty entertaining.  Sometimes a bit long winded but fun to check out and knows a ton about records.  He also has a great tutorial on setting up turntables.
>>>>>Actually, Woody Allen is always annoying.
...Especially if you're one of his adopted daughters.
He has a nice enthusiasm, not jumping up and down, but it comes through.