I just puked

The rockers and heroes of my anti-establishment youth, and the psychedelic days of the 1960's and 1970's have all "sold out" by selling their music copyrights, either directly or indirectly, and classic songs are now being used as commercial beds for all kinds of corporate CRAP, usually cars, trucks, or SUV's. Just heard the Who's "Happy Jack" used as a bed for the Hummer H2. Talk about incongruity!!! Think John and Keith are turning over in their graves?!! Excuse me, gotta run...after writing this post, I feel the urge to vomit again. B.T.W., anyone familiar with the Fools song "Sold Out"? It should be an anthem for the aging rockers of the 21st. century. How much money do these rebels turned whores need anyway?
Perhaps the problem is not what these artists do with their material, but with those of you that are offended or disappointed by their behaviour. Do you think any of these people (or any of us) care what you think about their decisions?

The other side of course is that many artist do good work.
Dave Gilmour donated his £3 million mansion to the homeless in London a few years back and recently gave another £5 million or crazy amount to another charity....
I say if corprate america is willing to dish out major bucks on music to sell their wears,To all my Rock heros as I was growing up " Oh Oh ,Take the money and Run"!!-Steve miller band. :-)
"Oh and Bono just paid $15 million for an apartment in NY". Ben_campbell you really can't get much in Manhattan these days for less. I bet the air still smells bad when he opens the window.

"We need to get this music heard in any way we can or we will forever be stuck with the noise that is now on the radio". Ljgj I never saw it your way but I must say you're right. Let them be whores just as long as we gain some better listeners. I, for one, have actually "found" a few tunes through commercials. (I even think there's a web site that lists them). My favourite, so far, is Tony Bennett's "The Best Is Yet To Come" from Chevy. I had never heard that song before. What a great arrangement! And I don't go for "that" sound. (Was listening to old Uriah Heep box set all weekend).
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