I just had a Moment

That moment when love of music and love of audio reproduction come together in total bliss.  When all is right, good, and pure for four minutes. Four minutes of love and appreciation for the musicians (voces8), the composer (Michael Praetorius), the staff at the studio (Abbey Road), the engineers at the company who lovingly crafted the gear (Linn), and for the Almighty who gifted me this moment. 

Wanted to share with you all. 


(Album: Equinox.  Piece:  Es ist ein Ros entsprungen.)



Thank you.  The vocal harmonies, wonderful.  I love finding the perfect music for whatever you have.  In the case of Linn's, they do mid-range voice better than just about any.  What you were listening to was angelic.  Some of what I have similarly enjoyed on my Linn's.  Beach Boys Smile, Holly Cole Temptation and Jolie Holland Escondida.  Totally different but what they deliver in tone, special.  Thanks again for turning me on to your tunes.