I have a question about Mission 753 speakers.

So my dad has always told me that the speakers he bought many years ago, were still really good. He always wanted to let me hear it but we didn't have a good amplifier.

Now, that I have some money to spare, I would love to buy a solid amplifier, which isn't too expensive, to be able to use them to the fullest.

The speakers are Mission 753, the label on the back of them are both really worn, so I was barely able to even read that they were those speakers. Now in no way am I good with stuff like this, so I was wondering if any of you guys know a good amplifier for them.

Thanks in advance!

Also, if this isn't the right sub, please tell me so I'll post it on the sub dedicated to questions like this


So my dad has always told me that the speakers he bought many years ago, were still really good. He always wanted to let me hear it but we didn't have a good amplifier.

Now, that I have some money to spare, I would love to buy a solid amplifier, which isn't too expensive, to be able to use them to the fullest.

The speakers are Mission 753, the label on the back of them are both really worn, so I was barely able to even read that they were those speakers. Now in no way am I good with stuff like this, so I was wondering if any of you guys know a good amplifier for them. 


Thanks in advance!

Also, if this isn't the right sub, please tell me so I'll post it on the sub dedicated to questions like this

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