I have a AC Regenerator. Get dedicated line too?

My PurePower APS 1050 AC Regenerator made an incredible difference in my system. Since everything connected to the unit is fed perfect, steady 120V power, is there any reason to expect that running a dedicated 20 amp AC line to my system and installing new high end receptacles would make any difference at all??? If you have experience with this I would appreciate your opinion, if you have an opinion without experience, tell me your thoughts about this. Hurry, before I spend any more money just to find out!

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Showing 1 response by almarg

A commonly stated rationale for upgraded power cords, which IMO is plausible, is the fact that the shielding they provide can prevent rfi (radio frequency interference) that may be generated by the power supply of an amplifier from escaping and coupling onto sensitive points elsewhere in the system, with unpredictable effects.

It should be kept in mind that a regenerator is essentially a power amplifier, having its own power supply, which amplifies the output of an internal 60Hz oscillator. Therefore that same rationale that applies to amplifier power cords would seem applicable to regenerator power cords.

It should be kept in mind, though, that any benefits from rfi containment will be unpredictable and highly system dependent. It should also be kept in mind that high quality shielding does not necessarily cost a great deal.

And of course this consideration implies nothing with respect to the desirability of a dedicated line for a regenerator.

-- Al