I Have 100K for Speakers?

I saw a post today that caught my eye. New to the hobby and is looking t0 spend 50-100k for speakers. At that point is how far are we into "return on investment". There has to be a point where the $$ spent has no relation to the sound you get. I'm just questioning the point as to when does this get kind of silly..No?

Showing 3 responses by zigonht


30k..See that to me still seems way up there. Even if I wanted to spend 30k AND had wifes approval I don't think my ears could tell differences enough to be cost effective..Maybe my ears are going. Not too sure.

Thats kind of the point I'm trying to make. No offense intended to the person I mentioned. The thread just caught my attention as to in my opinion and maybe to others here how sometimes "pay" just for the sake of paying. I think there are 2 types of people in this hobby(again just an opinion and no offense to any). There are those who love music and build systems(albeit used, new, electronics, room acoustics etc) and love music as a true hobby. Then there are those that spend 100k on a system, throw it in a corner and go on and on how they are an audiophile. This is type is concerned more about the $3000 interconnect he purchased than he is with the actual sound. I'm sorry $3k for any cable is just ridiculous. I would have to bet that 80% of those in this category couldn't tell the difference between a 5k speaker and a 50k speaker.(again just my opinion).

You mention the high end car hobby...One has nothing to do with the other...Spending 150k on a high end car has no bearing on why that same person would spend 100k on speakers.

The only point I tried to make with this thread is there has to be a point where the prices on speakers and maybe any component for that matter reaches a stagnant point of return on investment...