I hate biasing!

I have owned the Audio Research Reference 75 for close to a year now and do not foresee it leaving the system anytime soon.  BUT...I am continually challenged by lining up the biasing stick with the screw associated with biasing each side each side of the amp...If you own this amp would appreciate any shortcuts you have found which streamlines the time it takes to correctly position into the screw.

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Showing 2 responses by mattkimb96

Once I get the plastic bias tool into the podemeter adjustment screw the biasing is a snap.  Just can take awhile to get the plastic tool into the relatively small adjustment.  I am typically biasing ever 4 to 6 weeks.
Pin the tail on the donkey is a great analogy.....I do have the yellow biasing tool....not sure how many hours are on the tubes.....in the 6-8 week intervals there is not a lot of drift but eneough that I want to use the tool to adjust. I would love the autobias aspect and if they ever offer an upgrade that brings this attribute to the Ref 75 I'd probably do it.  The Aesthetix Atlas amp does autobias but there is no dealer here and I would definately want to hear/compare it to the Ref 75 before going that way.  I have their Pandora Dac and have had the Calypso in the past and love/loved both of them.

Thanks for all of the feeback and Elizabeth its nice to see you "back in the fold".