I Find Primalunas Ugly. How about You? Is there an alternative?

The curved cage on Primaluna amplifiers is extremely ugly. Their shiny cases do not help. Visually, they are worse than forgettable. I like the look of Line Magnetic amps, but they sound terrible. Is there a decent alternative?

Showing 1 response by jhills

Like soundwatts, I have a Rouge Cronus Mag. II and am most happy with it. In all respects, the KT120s outperform the KT88s, particularly with less efficient speakers. As mentioned, both the Rouge and the PrimaLuna are about half the cost of some others mentioned. If you are considering up to $10,000.00 you might consider the VAC phi 200 - one of the nicest tubed amp I've heard, especially when operated through the balanced section. And it looks very nice - day or night....Jim