i finally hit the "G" spot on my T/T

after all this time about reading about how imprtant VTA adjusment is, i finally hit the exact spot.& boy does she sing now..

I believe that Mark Levinson's new book has pointers for hitting the G-spot.
What's the book called?What else does it cover.Wish I could rember what I did with my Hartley book but was of limited use in set up.Also years ago I had a college physic textbook which used pre-CD era Hifi to demonstrate concepts in physics.Wish i could find another copy but can't remeber title or author.
retrofitable device that allows for "on the fly" VTA adjustment. I'm not sure if it is available yet, but given how well the arms are engineered it's probably pretty damn cool.
Yes, it was a joke.

Levinson and his wife, the talented Kim Cattrall of Sex and the City, have a book out called Satisfaction, The Art of the Female Orgasm. I kid you not.