I finally get it!

I had a long  discourse with VPI after I bought my new Classic 3 Sig SE years ago. The subject was that the S2P distance was off. After over one year of trying to get this resolved, I still received my tt back with this distance 1 mm (long).

I always wondered why there was no forthcoming measurement of the S2P distance. After all, VPI is know to have customers DIY their own tts, based on VPI's own products.

So, VPI offers their set-up jig with new tts. They don't offer any specific measurements for S2P. Someone had to ask on their forums in order to find out. Why?

I now know why. Because, their manufacturing was/is not very precise. So, if their S2P distance was off when the tt left their shop, their own jig (provided) would still keep the S2P distance in a (good enough) range. 

Nice try/trick.

Showing 1 response by et_uptown

I've had two VPI Tables (Traveler V2 and Super Prime Scout), and while there's a lot to like about them, I also found VPI's dismissive attitude to manufacturing differences (P2S being one, regardless of actual importance, or other one-off changes during a model's lifecycle etc) and overall tolerances too high to take them seriously. Sure you can often bring their tables' back into/near spec once you set them up, but then again why do they ship so many tables out of spec??

Once I had checked out Rega, and now using an SL 1200GR, I'll never buy another VPI again.