I feel bad for GenX'ers that missed out on the 60s and 70s.

I feel sad for GenX'ers and millennials that missed out on two of the greatest decades for music. The 60s and 70s. 

Our generation had Aretha Franklin, Etta James, James Brown, Beatles, Queen, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, David Bowie, Joni Mitchell, Otis Redding, Sam Cooke, Jimi Hendrix, Donna Summer, Earth Wind and Fire, Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles, The Kinks, The Stones, The Doors, Elton John, Velvet Underground and loads more

We saw these legends live during their peak, concert tickets were cheaper, music was the everything to youth culture, we actually brought album on a vinyl format (none of that crappy CDs or whatever the kids call it).

60s-70s were the greatest time to be a music fan.

Showing 6 responses by stuartk


"The problem now is not that there isn’t enough "good music" (define as you wish) being made, but rather that there is so much of it! It’s not on radio or TV, but so what?"

Yes-- there seem to be a lot of Boomers these days who complain about the supposed "lack of good music" who are simply too lazy to do anything beyond turning on a radio!  (Not that logging onto Spotify requires much effort!) 


"OK Boomer"

As a Boomer, myself, I don't tend to welcome this expression but in this case I have to say the OP fully deserves it!

In the 60's,70's, we had to listen to FM stations to hear much of the good stuff.  Thank God I had a few friends with extensive record collections who turned me on to stuff I'd otherwise never have known about. 

"Maybe it's more wise to not dwell on things we cannot change, especially if creating a negative emotion like anger, sadness, etc. Perhaps it's better to relish in your good fortune to know of and be able to enjoy your favorite music genres - live in gratitude. The audio gear is much better nowadays. Compassion is an honorable trait that should be used wisely but not unconditionally - guard your mind and heart"

"But you probably had to walk to school both ways uphill through the snow"

Yes, with only half a small banana for breakfast and rabid wolverines to fend off along the way. . .   
"The question and the responses just seem to prove that this is a venue for old men…..   Will this hobby survive when all the old men die off?"

Hate to be a bearer of bad news, but when we old Boomers die off, they'll be another generation of old guys right behind us. . . which means even you will be old, one day. 

As long as there are those who do not recognize the difference between objective and subjective, this thread will go on and on and on. . . with people continuing to talk past one-another.