I don't remember much, but I remember......

Not sure about you guys but it seems to me that things are getting a little tense here again and we need to have a little bit of fun! I was enjoying an evening of listening to my rig and then I saw it...my first CD(sorry guys too young for LP's!). I remember everything about the day I got it, the weather, the time, where it was purchase, even the price! The CD was U2's "Achtung Baby" I put the CD in(I have not listened to it in years)and was brought back to a time not too long ago when things seemed.....well, simpler. Then I got to think what a profound impact that one event had on my life, the joy of music. Does anyone else remember there first CD or LP? did it have as much of an impact on you as mine had on me?

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At the risk of dating myself, and with the caveat that I came late to the game of purchasing music, I got started with tapes and the first two were Synchronicity by the Police and Van Halen's 1984. Nice. Didn't get a CD player until 1993. Even more vivid, however, were the early mornings driving out to the beach at sunup in the old blue jeep when the only two 8 tracks we had were Pachelbell's Cannon in D and Willie Nelson. Couldn't have been more than 8 or 10 or so, but, when I saw Willie a couple of years ago (having not heard a note from him since) I was shocked to realize that I knew the words to nearly all of the songs. Spooky.