I'd like to hear recommendations for Turntables under $5,000

I had a reconditioned Thorens TD-160 Super. I'd like to know from people who own them, What you recommend looking at? My focus is less than $3,000 but I'm in like with some of the old VPI Classics, Prime, Prime Signatures  which is why I say 3-5K in the title and am looking for recommendations on anything in this range? Make and model. 

Showing 7 responses by tzh21y

The michell gyro se is a great table. The Technics 1200G is a great table.  The SME 10 is a great table, although more expensive.  Listen to the Michell and the 1200G as they are somewhat different in presentation, the 1200g is very accurate and not warm but pretty neutral, the Michell is a little warmer sounding if you like that sound.  I liked them both.  Dont forget the VPI Prime.
Let me know what you here differently between the Michell and the SME.  I really liked the michell, better than the SME but it could have been the cartridge as the sme had a benz wood on it and it was an SME 20/3.  The Michell had a ortofon cadenza black with techno arm.
The reason I went with a direct drive table is because i heard it do things that I have not heard a belt drive do outside of mega bucks.  The attack piano and drums are just incredible.  The technics 1200g gives you a lot for the money.  For me it came down to this table and the Michell.  The Michell is excellent and very worthy of the best arm you can afford.  It has a warm and airy sound that is just hard to beat at any price.  The technics does not have the air and soundstage of the Michell but it does certain things very well.  I have had belt drives most of my life because I never heard a direct drive perform like they do now for the money.  Its a tough one for sure.  I still think about that Michell if that tells ya anything.  Analog at its finest for a very reasonable cost.
The 1200g arm is a redesign made of magnesium.  Some of the better arms today are made out of magnesium.  There may be better arms out there, however this arm sounds great with cartridges priced at 4K and up.  So with that being said, you could always get a different arm down the road if you so choose to and you may not. lol.  The 1200 g does things that most belt drives cannot.  Listen to a piano and drums on the 1200G, then go listen to a 10K and up belt drive and see how that works out.  There will always be tradeoffs but it is worth a listen for sure.
atmasphere - Lets say I wanted to put a 9 inch triplanar arm on the 1200G.  would I still be able to close the dustcover?