I changed my mind.

I want to get a tube amp I think. What about my cd player. It plays sacd's, but it's not all that high end. It's a sony dpv-nc350v. It's a dvd player also. What about the preamp situation. It would be preferable that would work for movies also. I don't think that will be a big problem because movie/music would be coming from the same source. My speakers aren't that highend either. They're Klipsch kg3.5's. I like the horn tweets for the music I listen to(aletrnative/hard rock). I'm just looking to spend no more than $1200. I'm giving up the sub to spend it all on a decenct little tube amp. What else to you need as far as cables and stuff?
Trips every 6 months to the audio shop? I sure hope not! Granted, my rig consists of a solid state set up, but my all-tube Marshall guitar amp gets tossed about a lot, and it seems to be in great shape. I'm not sure that I'd be all that worried about the maintenance on something that sits serenely on a low-vibration audio rack. I mean, much of the equipment you buy today can't be all THAT delicate . . . can it???
Well, I'd agree with Liz that a tube product is about passion, a passion for music. A tube pre-amp, starting with good quality, new tubes should be hassle free for 2 to 5 years depending on usage and circuit design. Even then, tubes are relatively easy to replace even for the non-techie.

Tube amps can require more owner involvement depending on bias circuit design (auto vs. manual adjustment). But again, depending on the robustness of the design and the quality of the components (and tubes installed), tube replacement service should only be required every 2 to 5 years.

It is unfortunate that people encounter poor component reliability, and then conclude that all products of that topology will be similar. However, I've had problems with both SS and tube gear, as well as examples of both that are going on 15 years of age and no problems yet.

Look for a product from a company that has been around for awhile, and don't go for the cheapest tubes available. Some brands have a history of poor quality control. You may find that tubes are the best way to connect you to the music. Obviously, if you never give them a chance, how will you know. Good luck.
I was looking at an Anthem integrated. So having only the tubes on the preamp would be much less troublesome? How often do they usually need to be changed? How do you know when they're going out? Thanks.
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