I can't handle digital after analog light my fire

I am sure many of you are crossing the same bridge, after having several CDP and DAC's from diferent sources and tricks to make digital alive, this days as much music as I have on Cds I rarely play them, sometimes I have to push myself to do it cause i miss some good jazz and vocals but after 30 minutes i come back to analog, listening anything literally,
i am wondering if anyone experience the same?
and what it will come next for me....

regards and thank you.
I too was very dissatisfied with CD sound quality yet the convenience for casual listening is hard to resist.

I've since ripped all my CD's to a Mac Mini and on to a Squeezebox Touch then to a Metrum Acoustics Octave NOS DAC. Using Pure Music Audio Engine the results are even more convenience and much easier listening.

My expensive player is seldom used and I would never recommend another player.
Just sold my Wadia 270/27ix. It was a great player and I miss it. Replaced it with Marantz SA-8004 and AppleTV. I listen to 90% vinyl and 10% digital. Of the digital, 75% of iit is streaming files from my Mac.

It is correct, you can replace a top end digital rig with a $1000 one and get the same sound from digital.
I do not care how much the CD player costs it sounds like digital to me. Try SACDs with the Sony ES1500 for $1500 or less and you will not be sorry- no digital fatigue and superior to vinyl in some ways (dynamics) but in general vinyl still rules.
Just back from RMAF. If analog is "no contest better," one should predict that the many analog rooms would absolutely dominate on lists of rooms mentioned for "best of show." (Remember, everyone is showing in the same adverse conditions, and there's a range of price points for both digital and analog.)

So does anyone think analog dominates digital "best in show" lists for RMAF and the like?

This is not the impression I get from my reading -- or my listening.
