I can't get a wood bodied Benz anymore

I talked to the distributor and he isn't getting this cartridge anymore. What cartridge would be the closest to this cartridge. I talked to a couple of dealers but I got the Impression they were trying trying to sell what they had. I would like your unbiased opinion. Thank you.

Showing 2 responses by mulveling

Which model, the plain wood (e.g. L2, SL)? I've had a Benz M2 Wood and Ref 3. I know they had a newer generation "S" class, but the ones I had were decidedly bettered by an Orotfon Kontrapunkt "c". I now also have the Cadenza Bronze, which is the newer version of the "c", and it's really nice.

Those Benzes had a nice enjoyable sound, but the Bronze is simply a better cartridge.
Honestly, a re-tip only sounds like a pretty good option. I also think the original cantilever is key to maintaining the original sound. Recent reports on SS's turnaround time makes it sound pretty reasonable. What (much) have you got to lose if it's your best (and an affordable) optional to try and maintain the sound you like?

I have an old Koetsu Onyx Signature that I'm considering doing a re-tip only on.