I can't get a wood bodied Benz anymore

I talked to the distributor and he isn't getting this cartridge anymore. What cartridge would be the closest to this cartridge. I talked to a couple of dealers but I got the Impression they were trying trying to sell what they had. I would like your unbiased opinion. Thank you.

Showing 2 responses by jperry

Buy one of these listed below for sale on Audiogon. No affiliation with either seller.

Oracle Audio Thalia High Output Cart (Benz Micro Ebony H)

Benz Micro LP-S Cartridge Low Hours
If you get it retipped, and by this I mean have the stylus replaced, as Drrsutliff states above, it should not have a change to the sound assuming you use the same stylus profile.

If you change the cantilever to a different material and replace both the stylus and cantilever then it would have an effect on the sound.

Soundsmith usually turns around items in 6 - 8 weeks. You shoudl ask them directly. I have never heard of or had them take 6 - 8 months to repair an item.