I can't decide vr4jr's or Acoustic Zen Adagios?

I've been auditioning the vr4jr, B&W 803s or the Acoustic Zen adagio! any suggestions?
Conchyjoe7, in a fast second? how much of a diff is there between the two? i would be saving 1or2k if i get the vr4jr and i could use that money to build my ht system! are the adagios in your opinion that much superior? thanks!
I find the Adagios to be amazing. The vr4jr's were just to polite for my taste. These Az's have livened things up immensely.
I have the VR2's and was seriously considering an upgrade to the VR4's until I heard the Adagio's at the Home Theater Show in LA last weekend. The Adagio's better the VR's to my ear's for musicality, clarity, extension, etc. In short I am buying them. Frankly, aside from the top of the line MBL system, the Adagio's driven by Red Dragon mono's were the most enjoyable of all the systems I auditioned. I understand why the reviewer in TAS was gushing over these. Best I've heard for the price or even doulbe the price. BTW - that includes the Revel F32, the Hyperion's, Wilson Duette's, Von Schweikert's and many others I've listen to recently. Of course its always a matter of personal preference. Enjoy the hunt.
