I can dream, can't I? Vandersteen Model 7

The market dropped again today and it will be a loooong time before I can resume my profilgate spending on gear but this speaker piqued my curiosity. Has anyone heard it? I'm told my present speaker (Hales T8) is similar to the model 5. I would assume that at $45K it would be considerably better than the 5....Just curious if anyone has impressions.
But hey what do I know - about half the A'goner's implied I was an idiot - so don't take my advice.

BTW - it is roughly the same statistic on my technical audio musings...perhaps we all just like to be controversial at least half the time!
Sorry folks.The 5A upgrade will only be offered to the original owners of 5A's.Vandersteen has said that everytime he talked about the upgrade.My guess is that these new carbon balsa drivers production will be very limited and 5A upgrades will only be offered for customers who made a full investment in 5A's.After taking care of Model 7 orders first of course.