I can dream, can't I? Vandersteen Model 7

The market dropped again today and it will be a loooong time before I can resume my profilgate spending on gear but this speaker piqued my curiosity. Has anyone heard it? I'm told my present speaker (Hales T8) is similar to the model 5. I would assume that at $45K it would be considerably better than the 5....Just curious if anyone has impressions.

Showing 1 response by davehrab

The market dropped again today and it will be a loooong time before I can resume my profilgate

Russellrcncom .... The Sky is not falling ... It's called "Window Dressing" and happens just about every Oct (Q4) and Jan (Q1)

Brokers dump their poor or under performing stocks from their portfolio and add stocks that have that have performed well in the past year so when they solicit your business, it looks like they can only pick winners .... they're fluffing up their portfolio's

The question you want to ask these Fluffers is ... "So how did you do last quarter" ... and watch their necks get short, because their performance really SUXED

Be cautious of miners who stop mining Gold and start selling maps to the mines

Breath in Faith and breath out Fear ... good time to buy Premium stocks that have slipped