I blew up my receiver. Now what?

I brought my Integra DTM7 to Europe. Plugged it in, and POP! I discovered that unlike my other electronics, it definitely could not handle 220v wall current. Smoke poured from the vents for a while, even though I immediately unplugged it. 

1. What did I break? A fuse? A capacitor? Everything?

2. What’s the best way to get it back up and running here in Europe?



Showing 1 response by kingsleuy

1. What did I break?  Can't be sure without going in to troubleshoot.  But you saw smoke, A Lot. 
     A fuse? More than likely.
     A capacitor? Probably
     Everything?  No.  The cabinet, foots, panel knob and buttons are still good.

2. What’s the best way to get it back up and running here in Europe?
Get IT back up running?  Money hope and prayers.
Get YOU back up running?  Money.