I am venturing into unfamiliar territory.

I have decided to put together a Home Theater system that will be used ONLY for watching TV, and DVD's. I have chosen the Pioneer Elite PRO 1110 Plasma. I need to decide on speakers and a receiver/processor. I am not looking for high end sound. Just something that will enliven the visual experience. If possible I would prefer to go with in-wall speakers. Budget is in the $3000 range for all.
I know that this question probably belongs on another site, but I feel that on Audiogon, I have a frame of reference. Besides, I'd rather hang out with two channel guys anyday.

Showing 1 response by jeffloistarca

I'm like you, don't care a whole lot about home theatre but put one together for the family. I like the Gallo Micro speakers cuz they're small and all in all do a good job, the wee sub can make the damned room shake on explosions and such. Mated with a quality receiver (if I had to do it all over again I'm go with an Outlaw) a decent DVD player, and a programmable universal remote and you'll be well within your budget. Bear in mind the biggest expense in HT is the speaker wire, you need lots of it! I used 12 gauge stuff from Home Depot, looked like Monster and struck me as more sturdy than the wire that ships with the Gallos. Good luck, Jeff