I am thinking of buying the Avalon Osiris.

Any Advise?

Showing 2 responses by deshapiro

Hi All,
I owned a pair of Osiris speakers for 4 years, until I sold them last year, in favor of Dynaudio Temptations. These speakers can be very difficult to set up. You need a large room, both for the height of them, as well as for thsound. For imaging and soundstage purposes, they need to be out into the room quite a ways.
They need excellent amplification. They are actually a difficult speaker to drive, since their sensitivity varies with the different drivers used. I went through Rowland 9Ti's, Pass 600's and Krell 750 Mcx's until I settled on a Boulder 2060 stereo amp. I spoke at lenght to the people at Avalon and they told me that they had used ARC 300 amps to help voice them, but I believe that tube amps do not need to apply for this job. You may find , as I did, that the Osiris speakers are voiced on the "polite" side as far as midbass and bass are concerned.
To conclude, a wonderful speaker if you have the right room, the right amplification and the right sources, but this is something that you can say about any speaker. It's intteresting, I sold my speakers to a man in South Korea. If you are buying serial numbers 9 and 10, you're getting a good set.

Good Luck,
David Shapiro
Hi Hugo,
There is a pair for sale at www.higherfi.com for much cheaper than you are thinking of paying. The Boulders would be a fantastic match to the Avalon's.
David Shapiro