I am looking for a smoothest sounding outboard DAC

What is the smoothest sounding dac?
Anyone? Must be outboard dac only!

Thank you Gurus!

Showing 2 responses by 914nut

I'm happy to second the endorsement of the Chord DAC64. I haven't had opportunity to try lots of dacs, but the Chord, discovered entirely by accident through an issue of HiFi+, has made it possible for me to enjoy CDs for the first time.
To my old ears, it rivals SACD.

Just out of curiosity, what transport are you using with the DAC64? I use a CEC TL1X primarily, but I also have a Burmester 001 and have occasionally used its digital out
into the Chord.

Just to dip a toe into the SACD water, I recently bought a Sony SCD-CE 775 (closeout sale at Electronic Express for $180! Couldn't pass it up.) I know the Sony isn't s.o.t.a.
but my hybrid SACD/CDs sound pretty good on it. I've gotta say, however, the CD layer through the CEC/Chord still has quite an edge on the SACD layer through the Sony. At least I know now that with the present meager selection of classical SACDs, it's not worth spending more on better SACD hardware.
That may change, maybe not...