I am indecisive about choice due to room size

Hi all,

My stereo room is 12x12 and already have the Sonus Faber V speakers and love them. I'm looking at upgrading to the VIII, but don't know if I have enough room. I'm running these with the Naim Star, NAS and use Nordost Frey 2 speaker cable and power cord. Also, am looking at trading my Star in for the Lumin T2 streamer and the new Levinson 5805 integrated. Any thoughts or suggestions?

Best regards.

Showing 1 response by mijostyn

Duke, millercarbon, and erik have some valid points. Square rooms are bad particularly for bass, directional speakers are the best way of avoiding room interaction and a large percentage of the way a system sounds is due to the room. 
So how do we integrate all these factors. Will going to VIII's solve anything? Not really. With more bass it might even make the situation worse. This is a room for small Maggies, ESLs and some absorption on the front wall behind the speakers. Horns would also work like Klipsch Heresys or Cornwalls.  Down the line you could add four small subs like Duke's system. I really like Sonus Faber but dynamic speakers like that need more room to breath. Right now you are being assaulted by early reflections from all sides.