I am at the end of my rope, please help

I have a problem that I can not solve and makes no sense to me at all.
My right channel is stronger than my left by a large margin. I can plug my tonearm cable directly into a Fozgometer (measures left and right output) and I get a substantially stronger signal on the right side. I confirmed this with my Voltmeter to make sure there was not a problem with the Fozgometer. So, as far as I can tell, this narrows the problem down to the Cart, Tonearm, Tonearm wire or the table.

Here is what I have tried:
1. Changed Azimuth in both directions. Small change but still much stronger on the right side.
2. Changed antiskating. Very little change.
3. replaced the cartridge. No Change.
4. replaced the tonearm and cartridge. No Change.
5. replaced the tonearm, cartridge and tonearm wire. No change.
6. I have used a second test record. No Change
My turntable is perfectly level.
I simply do not see how this is possible! I have an $83,000 system that I can not listen to. Any ideas would be much appreciated.

My system:
DaVinci Turntable > Lyra Titan i > Schroeder Reference tonearm > Manley Steelhead > Stealth Indra cables > VTL 450 amps > Stealth Mlt speaker cables > Vienna acoustic Mahler speakers
In the old days it was not a good idea to do a resistance check of an MC cartridge because the meter would put a substantial DC current supplied by a battery through the coils which might leave a magnetic field.

Then in the new days the DVMs put an AC signal through the circuit under test instead. The concern is really not a lot different- an AC current through the coils could demagnetize the cartridge somehow. In practice I've not seen it happen, but if you are concerned I would get a 50-ohm resistor and put that in series with the cartridge when doing the test, then subtract the actual resistance of the resistor from the reading.
"I am going to throw the entire system in the ocean and take up another hobby."


Give it to me first.

Then chuck yourself in the ocean.

Oh, do get it the right way round Audioraider... ahem ... ;)
I don't want to bother you guys anymore but here is the update. I purchased a used Titan with the idea that if it was not the cart I could resell for the same amount. I received the new cart and installed. Based on your advice, I have not used the meter on this cart and it has never been hooked up to my phono amp. The new cart reads exactly the same as the old one. Much stronger on the right side. I will get the rewired tonearm back on wednesday and install. I dont have a lot of hope that this is the solution because when I switched the clips the stronger signal moved to the left side. If the tonearm rewire does not solve it then there are only two options left, that I can see, the table or my setup. I would figure there was a problem with the fozgometer but I checked the calibration with my CD player and, beyond that, I can clearly hear it louder on the right side. I have to move the right speaker back about 8" to get a center image but that causes other sound problems.

I have the table and platter perfectly level but I thought that maybe when I ran the table the 60lb platter might be shifting on the magnetic bearing. I see no side to side movement. It seems rock solid. As far as set up, I am using the DR Feikert analog protractor with the Lofgren Geometry. I have confirmed the spindle to pivot for my arm with Frank Schroeder at 222MM and I am dead on with both that and overhang. I have moved the head-shell in both directions and Azimuth with very little change in the signal output. I can twist the antiskate all the way to the left and the channels will balance, right before the needle skips across the record toward the spindle.

I am going to move the table to another location. It is a big job considering the extreme weight but I will get some help and move it on Wednesday. I really wanted to figure this out but if moving the table does not work I will drive it down to the Analog Room in San Jose and see if Brian can figure it out.
Thank you so much for your assistance, You are all great!
To be certain about correct relative phase, forget the ohmmeter and just try switching the red and green cartridge clips.
Have you thought about getting your ears checked? I had a right bias in my system many years ago in the way you describe and went to get my ears syringed - and it disappeared.

My left ear had a far greater buid-up of wax than the right, which was reducing the ability to hear high frequencies clearly.

Just a thought...