I always do something stupid...

...I have a pretty nice system and it is important to me. I spend hours researching tweaking and getting it right. I spend even more time listening to it of course. I am a pretty careful and meticulous person in most things.

So...why is it that everytime I get a new piece of expensive equipment or a new cable or whatever, I always manage to do something you are not supposed to do. Like turning off the pre-amp before the power amps and getting a loud pop. Or leaving an amplifier on and unplugging the interconnect attached to it at the pre-amp. Or forgetting that the interconnects to the subwoofer are JUST long enough and trying to move the subwoofer (and thus stressing the interconnects) without unplugging them. Or SIMPLY NOT NOTICING THAT THE $!@*# VOLUME IS UP TOO HIGH BEFORE I PUSH PLAY ON THE TRANSPORT. I could go on.

Point being, I've never really screwed anything up, but it's not from lack of "rying." Is this just me? I realize I've opened myself up to cruelty on this one...
All -- thanks for the stories! Very reassuring -- or scary depending upon how you look at it I guess :-)

A friend of mine used to have a sign up by his bedroom mirror "pants first, then shoes" Maybe we should all take a lesson from the airline pilots and have a checklist. NAH that would take the excitement away.

I'm in my mid 40ies -- old enough to claim senior moments? Why not....it's always a good excuse with my kids.

Hey Dodge, no harm done, I knew you were kidding although there is some truth to your joke. Actually I have't messed anything up with all this bumbling, but mostly dumb luck has saved me so far as others have noted.
I used a nutdriver to lightly tighten up my speaker terminals on my Home Theater amp. Why I needed to get them wrench tight I don't know, but as you would guess it I broke one of the post in half. I thought I was a good judge of torque but I was wrong. Ended up with a four channel amp for the time being. I will never do that again. Anybody need a Sherbourn 4/1500?
I posted to a recent thread about a breakthrough in digital sound conversion - four times.

Am I a moron or what?