Hypex NCore 1200

I plan to purchase the class D NCore 1200 amps.
Has anyone compared these amps against those class A or A/B amps such as McIntosh MC501, Passlab XA160.5 or Lamm 1.2!?

Showing 5 responses by guidocorona

Hi Primare_cd31, if your new TRLs are indeed based on Ncore NC1200, you are in for a very long break-in before the devices give you their very best.... I fear that running a break-in CD a dozen times will not do the trick. With merrill Veritas at least, the initial lack of emotional engagement gradually morphs into much more than the absolute opposite. Complete break-in is at least 1000 hours. See my scribblings on the subject at:


This far, I have had the impression that public exposure of Veritas and perhaps other Ncore amps may have occured with devices fresh off the factory floor, or perhaps with only a couple of hundred hours of operation and less than one full day of in-situ warmup... This could easily explain the reservations that AudioOracle and others have about the technology.

One recommendation... Run your TRLs 24/7, and feed them FM interstation hash night-time or whenever you are not listening to music.... Will make break-in a matter of several weeks instead of several months. And expect a lot of up and downs of performance during break-in... Frustratingly inevitable.

By the way, could you please post the URL of the Mola-Mola Kaluga comparison with the Solution amp?

Saluti, Guido
Hi again Primare_CD31 and all, I could find no mention of the TRL600 amp on the tuberesearchlogic.com site. Is there information about this device anywhere on the net... Like functional description, specs, features, pricing, etc...?

Thanks, Guido
Thank you Al, I will contact TRL and find out the scoop about the TRL600. I will post any info in the public domain to Agon. G.
I have chatted with Paul Weitzel at TRL.... the TRL600 monoblock amp is indeed based on Ncore NC1200 modules. Each amp is housed in a half-size chassis measuring 7.5" x 4" x 15X. Rather than the usual 15A IEC connectors, TRL600 uses a Neutrik latchable power connector. The device is supplied with a custom power cord similar to an FIM cord. A conversion adapter is apparently also supplied for usage with 3rd party cords terminated with IEC connectors. There is one set of Cardas binding posts. The XLR input connector is by Neutrik, and the RCA input connector is by Cardas. The amp is meant to be always on when plugged into AC... As such, there is no on/off/standby switch. List price is $9,000. For further information, you may contact Paul at 509-989-4437; email: info@tuberesearchlabs.com.

Saluti, Guido
Finally heard the Ncore-based Mola-Mola Kaluga monos at RMAF. My early impressions are at:

Saluti, Guido