Hydra 8/Hydra 6 vs PS Ultimate outlet?

Currently using PS Audio hc Ultimate outlet on preamp/cdp with VD nite replacing stock input AC. Any experience/comparison to the Hydra 8 or Hydra 6 and any rec's on input power cords incl non-Shunyata? I only anticipate using on preamp/cdp. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by simon74

I have a Hydra 6 & 8 but no experience of PS Audio.
However I can say that running only parts of the system through the Hydra defeats the purpose - I have tried and it
does not allow the Hydra to work if you have amps whatever plugged into the wall - they will be putting as much'grunge' in as the hydra is taking out.
I power everything including the 275 watt/channel amp thru the Hydra. IMO the 8 is a little brighter than the original but prefernce would be system dependant.
Synergistic Master coupler active-x works well powering Hydra 8.