Hybrid system with separates vs. receiver

Currently I have a McCormack DNA 1 amplifier and the McCormack TLC 1 passive preamp. I am thinking about buying the Arcam Avr300 for surround sound, while keeping the McCormack for dedicated 2 channel listening. Using the preamp as a pass through, I will have the McCormack power the fronts and sub and the Arcam power up the rears and center channel. Is this a good approach? Or do you think the receiver should power the whole system? I only have one room for theatre/stereo.

Front Speakers -- Magnepan 1.6's. Room size -- 11 x 15

Showing 1 response by teonyc

I had a similar set up as I transitioned from a receiver to separates. I used the receiver to power the center and surrounds and passed-through the L/R to an external amp. It worked fine.

However, because the Arcam and McCormack have different power and sonic signatures, you may find that the L/Rs don't integrate well with the rest of the system, ruining the surround effect. They also may not be "fast" enough during in scenes with heavy effects.

I'd suggest you uses a SPL meter to get the mains to the same levels as the rest of the system and watch a couple of your favorite movies. See if the L/R are noticeably different from the rest.