HumminBird ultrasonic cleaner and other options to distilled water

Hello, does anyone have thoughts on using the reverse osmosis water system instead of distilled ?



I have been down that road of using laboratory grade water, reverse osmosis water and distilled water. I found no advantages to using lab or reverse osmosis water. I keep coming back to using distilled water. It's cheap and easy to find and works great. Whatever you do don't use tap water........ please !!!!

Same here use distilled water. My daughter also needs distilled water to hydrate her Praying Mantis.

Don't ask…..

I have a Reverse Osmosis system installed in my home so I just get it from an auxiliary tap in the kitchen. It was a lot cheaper to install then most of my audio equipment 


The RO system does a good job of removing minerals and any damaging particles from the water and Ive had good results. I also have a 15K DS Audio Grand Master cartridge so I think I would hear any degradation in the vinyl. As far as distilled I’ve never done a comparison.

Just using RO for just the Vpi 16.5 for wash, cleaning and pre for the ultrasonic seems best.