Hum in the system

Hi, I just installed a MSB Link DAC III in my system and that promptly caused a low but audible hum. The hum goes away as soon as I turn off my power amp. (but that's not exactly a workable solution....) Now, both the power amp (Acurus A-100) and the MSB have 3-pronged plugs, so I wonder if there is a ground loop problem. My question is, how do I fix it? The Mondial M.A.G.I.C won't work, because it is a cable ground isolator - at any rate I don't have cable TV. Any suggestions/solutions will be much appreciated. Thanks!
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I get hum in my system when my Naim 3.5 cd player is plugged into the wall and the system contains and MFA Magus pre-amp. If I unplug the Naim, the hum is gone. If I replace the Magus with and Audible Illusions L1 pre-amp, there is not a hum problem with the Naim. If I replace the Naim with a Rega Planet, there is no hum with the Magus in my system. So, each piece of gear works correctly and without hum, and there is only a problem when the Naim 3.5 and Magus are in the system at the same time - but, this is my favorite combination, so I want to fix it, any insights?