Edit to my above post. 🔼 🔼 🔼
Looking at the photo again this morning of the feeder conduit entering on the left side of the panel it may very well be PVC conduit. Not metal conduit. If that is the case the OP should not move the EGC ground wires to the ground bar on the left side of the panel.
I based the possibility the feeder conduit may be PVC by looking at what can be seen of the connector’s color of the threads and the poor image of the connector on the outside of the panel enclosure. I also based my possible conclusion on the 50A branch circuit load conduit exiting the top right side of the panel is PVC. 100% sure the feeder conduit is PVC? NO... Without knowing for sure it would be bad advice, imo, to move the EGC ground wires to the ground bar on the left side of the panel.
IF the feeder conduit is PVC the ground fault current path is to the feeder neutral bar/conductor. Moving the EGC ground wires to the ground bar on the left side of the panel, the ground fault current path would be through the panel metal enclosure to parts of the touching places where the bare aluminum feeder neutral conductors is in poor contact with the panel enclosure. A very poor low impedance connection to say the least...