Hum and Hiss from Sonic Frontier Preamp

Last night was the first time I used my head phone jack from my SF line 2 pre amp. There's a subtle hum and an occasional hiss when the pre amp is on. Does any one have this problem or know what causes this problem? The only upgrade I made were changing the standard 6922 tubes to valvos tubes. Thanks in advance for all your help. Btw, there's a slight hiss when I play my front speakers as well, but it's not as noticable or as anoying as when I use the head phone.

Showing 1 response by massvm

My Line 3 exhibits a slight hiss, which is completely inaudible except when listening directly at a speaker with no music playing. I am relatively new to the tubed world, but I do not believe this issue to be uncommon, as I have heard it from other tubed pre-amps. All this talk may not make it right, however. Hopefully someone will chime in and provide an explanation for tube hiss, or say that I am experiencing a problem as well. Either way, we'll both learn.

The hum I would say is a different issue, and a fair guess would be it has nothing to do with the pre-amp or it would probably be audible through your speakers as well. Most sources of hum can be traced to ground/earth issues, and while I don't use them, it wouldn't surprise me that the problem exists in the headphone section of the pre-amp, or with the headphones themselves. Did you contact SF to see what they say? I would be interested in their response as well. While responses via email can be slow coming, they have always responded to my inquiries.

My opinion, for what it’ssss worth.