HT receiver to separate amp - tips?

My Pioneer SC07 seems like it got damaged and Im getting all sorts of interesting issues.  At this point I suspect it is not worth the repair (looking into that) and if thats the case I think I should look at a HT receiver that is a good value with 4K and whatnot for the future with analog outs to a multichannel amp.  that way I can get a "better" amp and update the receiver as needed.  Not sure if this is the smart thing to do so thoughts are appreciated.  

that aside I find that I cant get specs on the analog outs on nearly any receiver but I read that I should insure the receiver pre-amp section can power up enough to meet the needs of the amp.  For example the Outlaw 5000 system wants the inputs to be 1V.  I checked all the major receiver vendors and I cant find what they output voltage- wise.  Am I overthinking this or is this a tricky thing I need to account for.

If I do this are there any recommendations for a good pairing of receiver/amp that you like?

thanks everyone


Showing 2 responses by paulsax

thanks much for the information and suggestions.   love actionable information!  appreciate it.
You know it had not occurred to me that a pre-pro could be upgraded. I had it in my head that, like the receivers when the new think like 4K comes out that a new unit was required. Options galore!

thanks for the advice everyone.