HT Receiver or High end integrated for music??

Contemplating a new HT receiver for two channel music with an option to add the rears and center for movies. Somthing like an Arcam AVR350, reputed to be superb, but haven't heard it yet. Will the high end integrated still sound better??
Maybe a Plinius 9200 or Cary SLi80 for tubes!

Have owned a variety of separates in the past, but I'm fed up with all the boxes and cables. I have spending money on cables, not one of them has ever been worth the money, and none of them impressed me either. I'm not a HT fanatic like some, I'd give it up for superior 2 channel performance anyday, and movies thru a great 2 channel setup still sound fantastic!!

Any thoughts will be appreciated!!

Thanks to all!
I have tried several home theater proccesors and receivers.
Settled for the Theta casablanca III. It is the best sounding that I could buy. The proccesors that I tried were the top line from KRELL, ARCAM, ANTHEM.
When I had my ASR Emitter Exclusive II Blue Version updated I was using the Theta in analog direct for my two channel. My amps are the Mark Levinson 33 monoblocks. It was good but no match for my ASR.
I am lucky to have both in my system. My advice to you is buy the Arcam AVR 350, we additioned this unit for my friend and it is outstanding for both. Once you have the option then get a two channel only rig, but remember the Arcam is really good and you will need to spend quite a bit to do better.
Hope this helps.
My thanks to everyone who offered advice via this thread. I bought the Arcam AVR350 based on your input. I'm very pleased with it. (80% 2-channel; 20% HT)