HT Receiver or High end integrated for music??

Contemplating a new HT receiver for two channel music with an option to add the rears and center for movies. Somthing like an Arcam AVR350, reputed to be superb, but haven't heard it yet. Will the high end integrated still sound better??
Maybe a Plinius 9200 or Cary SLi80 for tubes!

Have owned a variety of separates in the past, but I'm fed up with all the boxes and cables. I have spending money on cables, not one of them has ever been worth the money, and none of them impressed me either. I'm not a HT fanatic like some, I'd give it up for superior 2 channel performance anyday, and movies thru a great 2 channel setup still sound fantastic!!

Any thoughts will be appreciated!!

Thanks to all!

Showing 1 response by lwood

You'll be throwing your money away on an HT receiver and be right back here buying an integrated...and selling the HT me, I've been there, done that, and don't have the t-shirt.

The Arcam Diva series integrated's offer a wonderful option for stereo, and what's your budget for a tube integrated? The Eastern Electric M520 is a marvelous piece that won't be moving from my main room anytime soon, tube rolling is necessary with this one, but well worth it.

And if you like FM, I'd be happy to offer some sparrow feed choices that won't break the bank.
