HT Pro Silway II vs. HT Truthlink

My system includes Linn Ikemi, Plinius 8150, B&W Matrix 803s, HT Pro9 biwires and Truthlink ICs. I'm considering moving to the Pro Silway IIs.

I'm looking for a bit more transparency and detail without losing the great musical nature of this system. I'm also new to high-end.

Thanks for your comments. Joel

Showing 2 responses by bmpnyc

Try the Magic interconnects by H. Tech. They have every quality you desire in abundance. If they are too pricey, wait for them at Audiogon.
I have many Acoustic Zen and Harmonic Tech cables. The differences are subtle and system dependent. By that I mean if you had the chance to audition both company's top of the line interconnects, you would find them both to be excellent. It depends upon the rest of your system.