HT and 2 channel in same room? 1 or 2 systems?

Hi all, I wasn't exactly sure where to post this but hoping someone here may have some advice for me.  This dilemma has been stressing me a bit so would appreciate any advice.  I'll try to make this as concise as possible.

I have recently put together a multichannel system as do a lot of movies/PS5.  System is Onkyo RZ50 AVR, Klipsch RF7-iii, RC-64iii and RP-600 for surround.  I plan on adding in ATMOS speakers and some big DIY subs soon.

I have always wanted to get into 2 channel audio also.  I have a fairly big room, 21x28, so I have also purchased a 5 year old pair of La Scala II's a few weeks ago and I just had a Willsenton R300 tube integrated amp delivereda day or two ago.

I thought at first I would have 2 separate systems in the same space.  I started doing some research into how to add a sub to that tube amp and found out I can do this via high level inputs, however, for every 1 discussion that seems to like that idea, I find another discussion or two that says you really need RCA out/bass management to make everything fit together. dilemma is do I push forward with 2 separate systems?  I'll have to find a way to fit another pair of subs for the 2 channel system via high level.  But this way I'll be able to enjoy the La Scala's via tube (thru Bluesound Node streamer) which I have been really looking forward to and then have a whole separate HT for gaming/movies.

But.....more than a few people have suggested this might be way over-thinking and over-complicating this and that I should just listen to music thought my multi-channel setup and forget the 2 separate systems.  If I did this, I guess I would just sell the RF7's and just listen to everything through the La Scalas.  And then I'd only need 2 subs, which would be a plus but then also kind of lose the dream of having a tube setup for music.  However, I have more often than not done upgrades and not heard any difference so I'm kind of expecting this with the tubes, too.  I have alot of hard surfaces in this room, which I'm working on rectifying, but I am def worried that if I hook up this tube amp, its not going to sound any different to me than going via Pure Audio/Direct thru the AVR.

So plusses to keeping separate, I get to listen to tubes.  Plusses to going down to 1 system, I can consolidate and sell extra set of speakers, only need 1 set of subs, get to return the tube amp.  I'm just not sure if saying I have tubes is worth that or not.

Appreciate any advice anyone may have on this situation.


Showing 1 response by zazouswing

+1 @fuzztone   I think this could be solved with a simple switch. If you’re neurotic about sharing grounds, dig inside and switch the grounds (most switches buss the grounding). Make certain everything is off when you flip the switch - although at line level to subs you may be OK doing it live. 

I would avoid using an AVR for 2 channel listening unless it’s a really good AVR. You would be missing out if you get ride of that tube amp before experiencing it. 

You have the space. As others have said, I would set everything up for good 2 channel listening, fill in with the other speakers where they fit and use room correction on the 7.2 system. Spend some time with what you got. 

A lot of this depends on your focus and what you use most. I have 2 systems in a shared space. After spending a bunch of time and money routing Atmos speakers and the like, I found two big issues. For starters, most of the film I enjoy is not in Atmos. Most good films worth the effort of the room were maybe done in 2 channel. Second, after experiencing a good SET tube amp, everything else sounds fake or artificial. The bouncing of the sound is usually down so poorly it feels like a gimmic. There is much more to a ‘real’ sound other than the physical location of the sound.