HRS Damping Plates and CD Player

I would like suggestions as to the best way to place the  19 inch HRS DPII damping plate on the Spectral SDR-400 CD Player. Or would a smaller one be just as good or better?
Lengthwise over the CD tray? In the middle? Widthwise?  I am experimenting, but was wondering if there is a better reason for any of those options? 
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You would want the plate centered in the middle of the chassis, not quite touching the edges.   That is where the maximum resonance excursions will occur.   If this is a piece of equipment you will keep long term, secure it with 3M 30-psi double sided tape.   Just understand, once it is on, it is on, and not coming off!   You do want it bonded to the chassis, not floating around the top.   Also, don't forget the bottom of the chassis, too!