How would you upgrade my entry level system?

I have $5k go upgrade my 2 channel system. 

Oppo 105d for cd play
sonos connect
brio r
audiovector qr speakers 

I listen to ripped cds, cds and increasingly streamed via pandora/Spotify. 

Rock, alt county, soul...

What would you prioritize ?

Many thanks SG

Showing 1 response by yoby

Think of it like you're building a house. First, start with a solid foundation ie. room treatments (GIK or ASC) and vibration control (Herbies has affordable options). Next. address your incoming power ie. power cords (many options out there, buy used) and outlets ( also dedicated lines of possible). Doing these things will pay off in the long run no matter what gear you get in the future. Good listening. Jeff