How would you desribe Von Schweiket VR-4jr sound?

Or for that matter the Von Schweikert sound in general, particularly their newer models?
What would you, Von Schweikert owners/previous owners, auditioners, consider their strengths.... weaknesses?



Showing 5 responses by zkzpb8

I only heard them at the HE show in NYC - they sound rather "hi-fi" to me. But that's obviously a quick demo.
As I mentioned above, my time with the VR4jrs was much less than After_hrs, but my impressions were the same. I felt the same driver "dis-integration" and although they were lots of fun to listen to, I still felt like I was dealing with audio gymnastics - very close to music making, but just not quite.
They ARE nice sounding speakers, but we'll see if they pass the long-term test.
Since we've veered off a little bit here, I decided to reread the original post. I'm under the auditioner category and this sums up my experience: I found the 4jrs to be involving (which is a good thing, I wasn't looking around the room or checking the time on my watch...), but rather than an emotional connection to the music/performance, I felt more of a connection to the sound quality of the recording. So there WAS a connection, it just wasn't the one that I ultimately look for.

I think that's why I categorize them as fun to listen to. If someone's particular priorities are different than mine, then it's very possible that the 4jrs can provide emotional connection for them - that's fine. It's ok, we don't all have the opportunity to hear every piece of gear in the world, but I'm just very used to the seamless integration that my speakers provide, and that's what I listen for in other brands. I would still recommend anyone in the price range to try them, because we all hear things differently.