How would you describe your class D amp's sound?

I'd like to hear from owners of module powered amps. There are several makers of modules, and even more designs around the use of them. Some people may know these amps by the misnomer, digital amps. Most aren't the same. Class D amps are analog. The use of the letter D merely is due to it's the next letter on the alphabet.

Some class D module makers are: Tripath, Nuforce, B&O, Panasonic, Sony, Sharp, and others.

So... How does your amp sound - lows, mids, highs, depth, width, dynamics. micro-dynamics, and clarity?

Showing 1 response by ar_t

I received this as part of an e-mail from someone that I suspect plans to enter the fray as a purveyor of ICEpower-based "digital" amps:

"Yup, the sound seems system dependant. I've tried it on three very different speaker systems (widely different efficiency and impedence) and it is very different in each, although still satisfying."

Smart boy. There is hope for him.