How would I integrate this into my system?

Was planning to get the Halo c3 or hdp70, alas my plans need to be changed. How would I integrate an Onkyo TX-SR608 with a parasound jc2 and a21 amp? I plan on using vandy quatros and I already have an NHT powered sub for movies. The Onkyo would be for movies only. I plan to get the oppo as the dvd player.
Is there another integrated receiver that y’all would recommend? Thanks and look forward to your input.

Joe in Mobile
Does the sub have multiple inputs? Run one off of HT side of it and another from the music pre, if it has 2 outputs go that route or you can run a y adaptor.
I spoke with someone at Parasound and he told me to use main-out from the JC-2 to sub and out to A21 the L/R.