how to value Fisher preamp

I have a Fisher 400-cx-2 in the walnut case, 100% original, never touched and is 100% working condition. It is part of my dad's system that he assembled in the early sixties. He was always very fussy about it and and it shows. He passed many years ago, and mom feels like it is time to sell it off, but we need to get some ides about price and if anything needs to be serviced. There is also a Fisher KM-60 tuner in the walnut cab that works perfectly, stereo beam and all.
Two of the knob trim covers (gold)are off(one missing), but the knobs are still intact. I am wondering about finding the knob cover and if they can be re-glued?
Do vintage pieces like this need to be re-tubed, or if working well just put up for sale, and how does that affect value? Any input is helpful.

Showing 1 response by almarg

I am in general agreement with the comments by David and Onhwy61. However, in order to have a reasonable chance of realizing anything like the prices that were mentioned, I think that your ad would have to indicate a willingness to sell and ship to international bidders or buyers. And even if you do so, it is conceivable to me that depending on the luck of the draw you could realize far less than those prices.

If you were to first have the pieces professionally serviced, chances are that what would be done would be mainly testing of the tubes and replacement as necessary; replacement of electrolytic capacitors; lubrication of controls; and "alignment" of the tuner circuits. Many of the people who would be interested in this kind of equipment are capable of doing that themselves, and IMO chances are that the cost of professional servicing and the likely sacrifice of originality would outweigh the possible benefit.

Fisher made good products in those days, and these particular models are no exception. However, they are not among the most highly sought after Fisher models. FYI, some older literature I have indicates that these models were made from 1964 to 1968, and originally sold for $200 for the 400CX preamp (I don't see a listing for the 400CX-2), and $170 for the tuner. Those were neither particularly high nor particularly low prices in those days for components from the better manufacturers. The tuner was apparently a kit, assembled by the purchaser.

-- Al