How to use Feickert Protractor on SME V Tonearm

I just bought a Feickert Next Gen Protractor. So far I just measured the spindle to pivot distance, it was set to 212mm. This is using a Denon DL160 cartridge setup using a paper protractor from the web. The spec for the spindle to pivot distance is given as 215.35mm. My turntable is a Gyrodec with mounted SME V tonearm. So I started thinking about how this would work using the Feickert protractor, each time I move the sliding mount of the SME V, I would then need to adjust the position of the sliding spindle to pivot distance of the Feickert protractor and thereby moving the alignment point. This seems like a never ending loop of adjust SME V slide adjustment, then re-adjust the spindle to pivot distance on the Feickert to get the correct alignment. Am I missing something, it seems like a very interative process to use the Feickert Protractor with a SME V tonearm. I bought the Feickert to make alignment simpler and more accurate. How do others use the Feickert Protractor to align the SME V tonearm cartridge?

Showing 1 response by john_gordon

As has been mentioned, any two point protractor can be used to set up an SME, or any other arm for that matter, irrespective of whether the arm base slides, the mounting board pivots, or there are slots in the headshell.

The SME approach which is based on a nominal effective length design predates all current production arms and has many advantages, and is neither naive nor ill considered. As has been mentioned not all cartridges are the same, and the SME design principle was based on that fact.

Arc protractors are a relatively recent innovation, and are dependent on accurate effective length measurement, so as as to enable the correct arc to be created, otherwise the are inaccurate. They also require accurate mounting of the arm to suit the effective length. The SME approach does not require the pivot to spindle distance to be fixed, therefore the arm mounting is not critical. it is adjusted to suit the cartridge. Understanding this is important and there is much misinformation about SME arms because of a misunderstanding of the basis of tonearm design, often on the part of those who should know better.

There is a description of SME geometry here
as well as other aspects of design such as the importance of spindle sizes, and protractors such as the SME and the Dennesen Sountractor.
